Giving Matcha a try!
You guys might have already seen on Instagram and Snapchat how obsessed I am with coffee. I've been drinking it since I was 16, intensified my dosage when I was in the corporate world, and now I'm trying to get rid of it. Fully! Coffee may smell deliciously and give us the energy boost we need every morning but that does not mean it is healthy for us. Therefore, I've decided to try new things and, while performing my research online, I found the wonders of matcha tea and a company that is taking it to the next level: Matchaful.
Matcha has 137x the antioxidants of green tea. That's more antioxidants than the levels found in blueberries, pomegranate and dark chocolate! Did you guys know that?! This means that drinking matcha helps our bodies shield themselves from cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol and even aging! As if this were not enough, a daily cup of matcha also provides us with focused and sustained energy throughout the day due to the amino acids found in it.
Now, the company that is reshaping the matcha industry is Matchaful. It is not only making high-quality organic matcha accessible to consumers, but it is also working directly with tea farmers in Japan to assure transparency and donating 1% of the sales to non-profits that help preserve the health of our planet and future generations. How incredible is that?!
Here's a recipe I made today with Matchaful and my favorite vegan protein, Vega. You can add a teaspoon of matcha to hot water and drink it as tea, or add it to your favorite smoothie bowl or shake. I chose smoothie bowl! I hope you guys enjoy it!
-1 banana
-1 pack Vanilla Chai VEGA
-1 tsp Matchaful
-1 tsp Diatomaceous Earth
-1 tsp Moringa
-1/2 cup of Almond milk
All in blender, serve and top with your favorite superfoods and fruits. I chose: straweberies, bananas, blackberries, granola, cacao nibs, toasted coconut, hemp seeds and agave.